Thursday, August 06, 2009

My new blog

I launched a new blog today, called Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars. Here's the link. The blog is based on a book I just published of the same title, available here and here.


  1. Yes, welcome back. Are you going to have anymore posts on this blog or only on the new one? I want to know which URL to bookmark.

  2. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Have to ask what Tom C did. Will you be posting anything new on this blog or is just on the new one. I really liked your posts regarding recent copyright cases. I think there have been quite a few that have been handed down since your last post.

  3. welcome back!!


  4. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Any thoughts on the harmless error rule in light of the Superman decision where your views were pitted against Nimmer?
